Gestational Map

Reading the Gestational Chart is a great experience of access to a liberating knowledge. People who seek information from the gestational chart can get a broad view and powerful answers about why, as consciousness, we choose to come in a given family and how this affects the way we relate, our way of life, our beliefs, energies, emotions and choices.

What is the Gestational Chart?

More than 30 years decoding, studying, developing and analyzing all the details that involve the energetic inheritances received from our parents during pregnancy and all the influences that reverberate throughout our lives , especially during adulthood.

These energies bring with them intelligent information that helps determine our way of perceiving, thinking, feeling and acting. That’s why we call themenergetic intelligences. They reveal pre-programmed patterns of behavior during the period of intrauterine formation and the Gestational Map is the instrument for mapping and reading these patterns.

The so-called “vehicle” made by parents (which is nothing more than the set of bodies: energetic, astral, mental, emotional and physical) is what houses our consciousness , the driver of this vehicle.

The awakening of this awareness and the clarity that reading the Gestational Chart brings means that this vehicle can be transformed and conducted in a much more positive and aggregating way.

Why make your Map?

Reading the Gestational Map is a great experience of accessing liberating knowledge. People who seek information from the Gestational Map are able to have a broad view and powerful answers about why, as a consciousness, we choose to come into a certain family and how this affects the way we relate to each other, our way of life, our beliefs, energies, emotions and choices.

Above all, bringing the possibility of transcending challenges, or challenging elements, and enabling the achievement of life purpose through self-management, self-responsibility and autonomy. What the premises involve: open mind, willingness to learn and commitment to the path.

The Map highlights this entire systematized configuration, sheds light on the reasons why these patterns repeat themselves and how to change these aspects that cause pain and suffering and that so many want to transform.

The management of inheritances and the understanding of this ancestral lineagethat involves our formation lead to the comprehension of what is important to be maintained, improved or which should imply a action of giving back: obviously, with respect and gratitude, we return what is no longer useful, to follow new standards chosen by us, consciously. 

This is a way to optimize your vehicle, leaving behind everything that prevents the construction of a better human being and taking all the skills to your ancestors and descendants , talents and resources, to promote well-being and a fulfilling experience.

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Find out more about IMXT:

Gestational Map

It traces paths for real change.

Gestational Map

Immersions and Retreats

Reprogramming Immersion for Regestation and Retreats.

Immersions and Retreats


Individual and Corporate Mentoring.



For personal development and training of the intelligences


Professional qualification

Tools for Therapists and training in Gestational Chart Reading.

Professional qualification

Institution Oficina do Ser

Education, culture and sustainability projects.

Institution Oficina do Ser